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Remember "A Clean House is A Healthy House."

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The Ultimate 90-Day Cleaning Biz Startup Guide prepares you for the good, the bad, and the ugly in business — and teaches you how to avoid unnecessary spills and pitfalls. In it, I teach you the step-by-step process to launch a residential or commercial business from the comfort of your home, give you the not-so-quick and dirty, but extremely essential information about building a foundation and legalizing your company (did I hear someone say LLC, S-Corp, or Corp?), the power of sales, networking, and presentation, and most importantly, how to make your first sale via creative marketing tactics. Before you know it, you’ll be scrubbing floors clean with dollar bills!


I am excited to bring you 12+ years of profitable wisdom, industry secrets, sub-contracts (cha-ching!), and access to my professional network of entrepreneurs. 

The Ultimate 90-Day Cleaning Biz Startup Guide

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